
365 Sonnets is completed! While there be no more new posts, feel free to read the sonnets and comment! :)

You can read my new poetry at Some Turbid Night: :)

Thursday, October 09, 2008


I love the wondrous, strange invisibility
that follows me to so gingerly, just like a bear.
My loud “hello’s” are greeted with a vacant stare,
my movement cast aside as breeze upon the sea.
I rule my small domain – the world surrounding me.
I stand as if a king, and sit without a care,
my presence granted as a regular affair.
When bored, my fear provides amusement – and – for free!
I hear a private conversation (no one sees),
and hidden by his looming shadow – much with ease-
no person questions me, no matter where I go.
Thus bear and I should leave our posts for worthwhile crime –
my hidden person, with his stealthy paradigm
may steal away, and all the world would never know!


  1. "my hidden person, with his stealthy paradigm
    may steal away, and all the world would never know!"

    Not true! You're not invisible and the world wouldn't be quite complete without you in it.

  2. Beth, you're so kind! Anyway, I wrote this a month ago, so it's not quite up to date, is it? I was at a dinner party and all the kids were playing video games but I didn't know how, so I went into one of the rooms and scribbled down this sonnet :) I'm feeling so much better now!


A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.

I say it just
Begins to live
That day.

- Emily Dickinson

Thanks, Wordle!