
365 Sonnets is completed! While there be no more new posts, feel free to read the sonnets and comment! :)

You can read my new poetry at Some Turbid Night: :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Curvaceous hips and comely bosom, virgin smile,
with hazel eyes of gloating satisfaction’s glaze.
And hers embraced his eyes, abashed and full of praise,
exalting her, subjected to her nude beguile.

His mind was hers, commanded by her cunning wile;
his feet, two frozen pillars; eyes and brain, ablaze;
and all this time she waits and like a lion, plays,
manipulating him like worthless clay now worth her while.

The crowd moves on, a patter on the marble floor
to fresher art, abandoning the brazen whore.

And lest he be removed from all the blatant rest,
he saunters on, uprooting from his rude desire.
The whore remains, a frozen painting made of fire,
the temptress drawing newer victims to her breast.


  1. Dido? Cleopatra? Helen of Troy? Achilles? Paris? Tristan? Who knows who this might be alluding to? Perhaps all of them.


  2. Wow, it's beautiful.

    You can write.

    It's good to see someone with real talent, putting Canadian art on the map.

  3. "To write freelance in Canada is to starve slowly to death" I've heard - so we must let the world know that we aren't blubber-eaters! Thanks for dropping by, Alexandra.

  4. Oooh, yeah, I like this one--and so excited to read the rest of the 7 deadly sins!!! (You need a label for the 7 Deadly Sins IMO.)

    "we aren't blubber-eaters"--ha!

  5. Great idea! :P

    Hey....I love my blubber.....get your own!!


A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.

I say it just
Begins to live
That day.

- Emily Dickinson

Thanks, Wordle!